Reflecting on 2024 with the HIMSS Professional Development Committee

By Connie L. Saltsman, Pharm.D., MBA, CPDHTS, CPHIMS, FHIMSS, HIMSS Professional Development Committee Chair

Connie Saltsman is an Assistant Vice President of Clinical Pharmacy Informatics for HCA Healthcare, and currently serves as the chair of the HIMSS Professional Development Committee.

As I reflect on this past year, I want to thank all of the hard-working HIMSS Professional Development Committee Members, and the HIMSS staff who have supported us this year.  I have greatly enjoyed working on the Professional Development Committee over these past two years.  I believe that we need to continue to give back to our profession, and support those who are new to health informatics. 

The Professional Development Committee has completed many accomplishments over the last 12 months to continue to support our mission to develop tools, resources and content related to workforce and career development in health information and technology.

Here is a brief list of our accomplishments:

Looking forward to 2025, the PDC has a number of priorities to focus on.  They will continue to iterate and improve the Healthcare IT Job Descriptions document, and the HIMSS Career Pathways tool to continue to add new jobs and map those job pathways to support our healthcare IT colleagues.   They will continue to work to advocate awareness of Health Informatics roles within the health IT landscape and continue to support the Emerging Healthcare Leaders Task Force.

I am excited to see the work that will continue to come out of this committee and highly recommend everyone review the list of HIMSS committees to see which you may be interested in participating in when the call goes out next year for applications.  It is a fantastic way to continue in your professional growth and to help to support our colleagues currently in healthcare informatics, as well as those who are interested in becoming part of our community.

Many thanks to our PDC Members:

David Christopher Sloan, Vice Chair
Renad Alzghoul
Trevor Coons
Robert Dichter
Mobeen Lalani
Karina Landing
Laona Lebeouf
Chris Papesh
Sandeep Reddy
Kristen Sandersen
Freddy Terrazas Escamilla
Mara Daiker – HIMSS
Gina Pope – HIMSS


Connie L. Saltsman | 2024 HIMSS Professional Development Committee Chair

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